Nearly two thirds think ESG disclosures improve real-world outcomes

Almost two thirds (62 per cent) of pension professionals said they either ‘very much’ or to ‘some degree’ believe environmental, social and governance (ESG) disclosures lead to better real-world outcomes, a poll from the Society of Pension Professionals (SPP) has found.

However, the poll revealed that some professionals disagree, with 16 per cent polled stating they feel ESG disclosures are a mere "box-ticking exercise".

SPP conducted the poll at an event held earlier this week, polling over 100 attendees on their opinions about the ability of ESG disclosure requirements achieving better real-world outcomes.

Commenting on the findings, Capital Cranfield professional trustee and panel chair, John Nestor, said: “The fact so many in the industry recognise the importance of ESG disclosure requirements as providing real-world benefits rather than simply being a regulatory burden, bodes very well for the future both in terms of compliance and in working towards better environmental, social and governance outcomes.”

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